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Three River Valleys Called Home

As a family history resource or a holiday gift, you or a relative might enjoy this story of Loyalists from the Mohawk Valley, New York.

Through hundreds of primary sources, charts and images, Three River Valleys Called Home tells a story of Loyalist families in the Mohawk Valley. In 1755, the Eamer family travelled from Germany to Philadelphia then settled about three miles east of Johnstown, New York. The story follows the Eamer Family and others through the French and Indian War, the Revolutionary War, and their escape to Canada.

Surnames of some families include: Alguire, Annable, Ault, Barnhardt, Bowen, Casselman, Carmen, Cline, Coons, Countryman, Cryderman, Crites, Dillenbach, Eaman, Empey, Farlinger, Feader, Fikes, Gallinger, Goose, Hare, Hartle, Jeacocks, McEwan, Link, Loucks, Myers, Philips, Rombough, Runnions, Ruppert, Service, Shaver, Sheets, Scheick, Silmser, Van Koughnot, Waggoner, Waldorf, Wert, and more. Men of these families primarily fought with Butlers Rangers and the King’s Royal Regiment of New York. They settled at Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry Counties and the Niagara region.

The book is available at Indigo, Amazon, and Friesen Press.

Vicki Holmes is the sixth great granddaughter of Philip and Catrina Eamer. She notes:

“I’ve always had an interest in my family’s history and genealogy…and in history in general, but particularly that of Upper Canada, Mohawk Valley, and the United Empire Loyalists. I am a curious person with an active imagination that needs an outlet, and I love to write.”

In fact, Vicki spent 25 years investigating the Eamer family and another eight years researching the history and sources for this book. Her work is evident in the incredible amount of interesting primary sources, illustrations, photos, and charts woven throughout the book. A retired nurse educator, Vicki lives in Edmonton near her family. She enjoys spending time with her dog and two horses. Three River Valleys Called Home is her first book.

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