The Education Committee of the Hamilton Branch of the UELAC reaches out to the members of the Branch, the schools of the Hamilton-Wentworth and Halton Regions, and to the community at large. It provides UEL speakers for Service Clubs and Community Organizations, visits to classrooms and teacher groups, and distributes the UELAC Teacher’s Resource to education centres.
Learn about the refugees/early settlers to Canada who fought on the British side during the American Revolution.

Grade 7: Emphasis is on the final battles, resettlement, free land grants, carving out a life in the wilderness, early clearing and farming methods, Black loyalists (compare Birchtown N.S. to Amherstburg ON), working with First Nations/ Haudenosaunee; early settler contribution to our heritage; growth in agriculture and timber around Burlington (Wellington Square).
Grade 3: Emphasis is on early Pioneer life in Upper Canada. We bring many artifacts including Native skinning stones, a butter churn, lye soap, butter presses, spectacles, early games, men’s and women’s clothing, Indian corn, beaver pelts, and settlement maps.