As reported in An Annotated Nominal Roll of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1784 with Documentary Sources, Robert Campbell was a law student when the war began. He joined Caldwell’s company as a Private for the period 25 December 1777 to 24 October 1778. In 1783, he is listed in Butler’s company as being twenty-seven years old. This would place his birth around 1755 but no records have been discovered that indicate his place of birth, parents or siblings.
He was married to Mary, daughter of Frederick Smith, also a member of the Butler’s Rangers. He and his wife were on a “List of Persons Who Have Subscribed Their Names in Order to Settle and Cultivate the Lands Opposite to Niagara” on 20 July 1784 and drawing rations, within a group titled “ No 3” which appears to be part of “Young Settlers, Loyalists and Brant’s Volunteers who receive rations.”
He took the oath of allegiance at Niagara some time between Nov. 1784 and Jul 1785. His family was listed on that roll as a wife and one boy under ten years of age. That would be his son, James, born on 2 July 1784. Daughter Margaret was born 4 November 1785. Robert and Mary would have eleven children.
Robert Campbell was granted 200 acres of land on Lots 18 Concessions VIII and IX in Grantham Township. In his will, he left to his first born son the settled land described as being composed of “part of lot number nineteen in the Ninth Concession beginning at the South East Corner of my Grist Mill thence running southerly up the stream along the mill pond one hundred and forty eight feet to a black walnut stuke thence a westerly course for a hundred and ten feet to a pine stump thence a northerly direction two hundred and thirty four feet to a large crotched pine stump from thence running to the bank of the Twelve Mile Creek to contain three quarters of an acre of land with all appertainances thereunto belonging with every and all privileges of the water for a grist and saw mill or other water works with the use of the land that is now made use of to come to my grist mill and the use of the banks of the creek for a gravel.”
He remained active in the military and is listed as an ensign in the 2nd Regiment of the Lincoln Militia in 1792 and as Captain in 1794. It is reported that he and his seven sons served in the War of 1812.
Following his death in 1824, his sons settled in Chinguacousy Township in Peel County. The descendants of Robert and Mary Campbell can be found in many UELAC Branches across Canada.
Submitted by Margaret J. Hayward UE